ebook – Rosie’s Story – A Hen’s Journey from Bullied to Beautiful

Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $7.99.

Rosie’s Story is based on the true story of Rosie’s tragic injury and her road to recovery. She really was an amazing hen and got her share of visitors! She had a special way with people and connected with other wounded hearts. Somehow, you just felt better after spending time with her.

I weave true events with my imagination to take you on Rosie’s journey from being a chick to laying Real Eggs and from the Great Wounding to her New Life.

If you’ve ever been bullied and wounded, it’s my prayer you’ll find hope in Rosie’s Story. Jesus still redeems, restores and renews. He died so we can be free, and not just barely free, but abundantly free!

Join Rosie on her journey of healing and New Life!


I loved Rosie’s Story. I don’t have any experience raising chickens, but I’m an animal lover. I enjoyed this book so much! I was able to get a glimpse of what goes into raising chickens. I also gained an understanding of how they have personalities. I feel blessed by the story that unfolded, allowing me to have a deeper connection with someone who has experienced trauma as they work to cope and strive to heal. This theme was dealt with in an encouraging, sometimes humorous and always gentle way. I highly recommend reading Rosie’s Story to anyone who has faced trauma, anyone who loves a person who has experienced trauma, anyone who raises chickens or anyone who loves animals!    ~Cheryl, Indiana

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